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Our database contains a growing collection of titles that offer freedom, strategy and non-linearity.

No Man’s Sky is looking amazing

No Man’s Sky was featured heavily at E3 this year and there has been lots of new buzz about the game. In case you haven’t heard about it, here’s the nutshell:

“No Man’s Sky is a science-fiction game about exploration and survival in an infinite procedurally generated universe.

Developed by Hello Games, the indie studio behind PS3 hit Joe Danger, No Man’s Sky is a science-fiction game without limits. If you see a mountain, you can trek there. If you see a planet hanging on the horizon, it’s a real place, with its own rich ecology of creatures and vegetation. You can get in your ship, fly into space and it’s yours to explore. Not just that, but every star in the sky is just the light of a sun, with its own solar system waiting for you to discover and adventure in.”

How awesome does that sound?

And it’s backed up by some pretty epic footage! Take a peek at this video, or view the game in our database for more info!

No Man's Sky on the Sandbox Database...

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Game title: No Man's Sky

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