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Prison Architect Leaves Early Access

Prison Architect has been released in full today.

After spending 3 years in development, the game is finally good to go. While we’ll be sad to see the end of the monthly alpha updates which have brought a regular stream of great new features, we are happy to have our hands on the finished product.

Excitingly, the game is released with a new ‘Escape Mode’, where you play as a prisoner trying to escape from a prison that either you have built, or one of the many prisons available on the Steam workshop. In Escape Mode, you’ll need to find digging implements and dig out or wait until there is an opportunity to sneak past the guards.

There are also four chapters, where you need to complete something different in a pre-made prison – these will essentially act as a tutorial to the main sandbox game.

Here’s the release trailer:

Prison Architect on the Sandbox Database...

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Game title: Prison Architect

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