Fallout 4 “Gameplay Exploration” Video Released
It’s basically just a stitched together version of what we saw at E3, but that doesn’t mean that we’re not excited about seeing this Fallout 4 video.
In this “gameplay exploration” youtube video, which you can see below, we get to see plenty of the game, including a good look at the Bostonian wasteland where this instalment is set.
We also get a good look at everyone’s favourite pooch, Dogmeat who is clearly the star of Fallout 4. We see a quick impression of how V.A.T.S. works too – this time round it slows rather than pauses the action.
There’s also a great look at power armour as well as a range of weapons that we’ll be using to destroy our enemies.
And did someone say Deathclaw?
Fallout 4 will be released on November 10th.