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Factorio Releases Experimental Version 0.12

The first experimental release of version 0.12 of Factorio has been released.

This update is the first since the developers released the final, stable version of 0.11 two months ago.

The twelfth major Factorio release contains various changes to the game including:

  • The game now has a better end game – your goal is to launch a rocket with a satellite
  • You can build paths which will increase your movement speed
  • All turrets are now more expensive and laser turrets are much more powerful
  • You can see the effect that your factory’s pollution has, as it kills off trees
  • You can have a personal roboport which means you can always have some cool robots buzzing around you
  • The game runs a lot faster as a result of loads of optimisations

The developers have previously said that when they have a stable version of 0.12 ready they will submit it to Steam.

You can see the full 0.12 changelog here.

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Game title: Factorio

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